Abi Freeman

London, UK

Abi is one of Brink's two co-founders and an organisational psychologist. Brink is her favourite hobby that happens to also be her full time job. Her role is split between practitioner exploring how Behavioural Innovation can make dents on the world, and co-founder, designing and building a global company that’s a force for good and a brilliant place to work. She believes in the power of mindsets, collaboration, lifelong learning and what people and (mindfully designed) technology are capable of, together.

The threads that tie Abi’s work together are behaviour change and innovation. It’s no accident she’s now in the business of Behavioural Innovation. For over 20 years she has worked in and around tech startups, government, academia and think tanks exploring how ideas make it out into the world and how best to back and coach the people doing the hard work of innovation.

She holds a Masters in Organisational Psychology from UCL, a degree in Economics and is a trained coach and service designer. She is bilingual in English and French.

Abi co-founded a tech startup matching empty retail space with creative retail brands which helped over 2500 entrepreneurs test their creative retail ideas in empty high street spaces. Abi and the team lived the full tech startup journey from being named as WIRED’s one to watch, selected for Techstars accelerator programme, receiving VC backing  and selling the business in 2016. Abi then went back to school to study a Masters in Business Psychology, with a focus on high performing startup teams, mindsets and HCI which is a fancy term for where humans and technology interact. She didn’t know it then, but it was all an early spark of what’s now become Brink.

is exploring in their work right now:
  • What company culture and systems will best set up all Brinksters to do the most meaningful, impactful and joyful work of their lives?
  • How can we test, scale and share Behavioural Innovation to make outsized dents on the world?
  • What’s the future of tech and the internet beyond Silicon Valley and Shenzen and how might we make sure it’s mindfully designed and distributed?
Abi Freeman